Sunday, January 29, 2012

.NET Training Camp 2012 (started well, ended as a disaster)

.NET is one of those technologies of Microsoft which promoted itself very well. CNUG conducts camps to enlighten people with such technologies (mainly technologies from Microsoft, as every CNUG member is a Microsoft Student Partner) whenever its the right time. Such a camp was conducted today by us (CNUG students) and the topics were the following
i) Introduction to .NET
ii) Microsoft Robotics Studio
The camp started off well with Shaul's (our lead MSP) session of Intro to .NET, which went on for more than the time allotted. And not to mention, it was worth the extra time. The attendees loved it, I could see it in their faces.
After Shaul's session, Prem was on. He handled the Microsoft Robotics Studio session. It went on pretty well, but it was too much of technical stuff. Too much that the attendees didn't expect. Then it was called off for lunch. Me, Saranya, and Prashanth were to handle the HOL (Hands On Lab) session after lunch. This was truly a disaster. The machines in the lab were not ready. First of all it took hell amount of time to copy the VHD to all the computers manually, and after that when we mounted the VHD's the cursor's were not working. Then we turned ourselves to our own laptops. We provided our laptops to the attendees, and made them to share it. Most of us had the Express versions of Visual Studio which again was a problem because the demo needed the complete version to demonstrate interoperability of .NET. But we somehow managed, as Shaul promised them with an online session for whoever could not follow up with the HOL session.
At the end of the day, we all learn from our mistakes. The lag with the lab session had to happen, so that we could make it better for the next time..

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