Sunday, January 15, 2012

My first post

Hi.. This is the first post in my blog. I am currently converting caffeine to code. This is one of those times, when I stay up late to finish up some work (atleast till my head drops on the keyboard). It is already 3 in the morning, and the caffeine is still doing its job. I don't know why, but I have noticed that I can stay up late only when I am alone at home.

Dont assume that I am a hardcore programmer or something of that sort, because only I know what kind of stupid and simple code I write. Well, I have already submitted two applications to the Windows Phone 7 MarketPlace, and they have been certified. :)... I have also sumbitted my claim form for the "i unlock joy" program. So, I would probably get a Microsoft T, and 2GB pen drive. Not at all exciting as compared to a Windows Phone 7 itself.. For that I have two more apps to go, which is almost impossible before the deadline.

But now, I am more concerned with my current app.. I was confused whether to use a pivot or panorama page for my current application, so I decided to take a peek at this video . The connection is surprisingly slow at this time of the night. Maybe my neighbors are also awake. .......dfadf adsfkadjf;lkajdlkerqw.erqe(head on keyboard) ......zz.........zzzzzzz...zzzzz....zzzzzzzzzzz....


  1. good going bhai.... wish u luck with this blog..................... :)

  2. I remember my first blog post too!! :D
